There are many actvities to do and crafts to make about lions. Look for books about lions in libraries and bookstores. Go to Etsy online and other sites that give detailed instructions for lion crafts and group activities.

Children may add sugarplums to a styrofoam tree or to a pine cone after they listen to the story. Various kinds of manufactured gumdrop trees can be purchased in craft stores or on the Internet.

Before telling the story, attach sugarplums on the thorns of a bush branch or glue them on a limb of a deciduous tree. Show the children a bare branch first and then when the tree is magically changed into a sugarplum tree, twirl around and show them the sugarplum branch.

You may wish to have a bowl of sugarplums, popcorn, and small pieces of fruit hidden nearby. After telling the story, ask the children to close their eyes, make a wish, and then choose a sugarplum. If you’re speaking to a large group, you may want to put on a glove and give a treat to each child.
Some children may want to string the popcorn and gumdrops alternately on a piece of thread and then hang the garland on a real or artificial evergreen tree.

Visit the website, for directions. You will need 2 pipe cleaners, a petal from an artificial flower, yarn, and a wooden bead. You may find the materials at your house or visit a craft store to find them in different colors.
Most cities and many schools all over the world celebrate the winter holidays with a production of the “Nutcracker”. Clara has many adventures before she transforms into the Sugar Plum Fairy at the end of the ballet; shortly after the Mouse King has been defeated, she becomes the Sugar Plum Fairy for the lavish celebration that takes place in a magical garden.


Be a Soccer Star, NOT a Bully!
A. Change one letter each time, creating a new word until you reach a new, positive word.
Example: Hate–Love Hate, Have, Hove, Love
Hate, Have, Hive, Live, Love
1. Mean–Good 2. Bully–Happy 3. Lost–Find 4. Fear–Soar 5. Rude–Kind 6. Curt–Nice 7. Junk–Real 8. Fear–Hope
Opposite Rhymes
B. Find a positive word that rhymes with the negative word: Example: cruddy – buddy
1. brute 2. bad or mad 3. dope 4. drugs 5. gloom or doom
6. whine 7. unkind 8. frightful 9. spiteful 10. fool
C. Think of a slogan for helping to prevent bullying. Illustrate!
Bullies are full of lies!
I’m a BUDDY, not a bully!
Change bully to buddy by adding a vertical smile to each “l”.
I’m Happy to be an ABC, an Anti-Bullying Child.
D. Have the children correct the spelling mistakes, then color the picture above.